11.10.2011 Let's pop out from the previous quote into a larger context and see a full version of the text. Elias Tate, mentioned here, is the human who protects Emmanuel as he discovers himself. The word phylogon is used for the first time and we start to see the power and generality of the concept.
"Now, Emmanuel thought, I will change the universe that I have taken inside me. He regarded the 
geometric shapes and allowed them to fill up a little with matter. Across from him the ratty blue 
couch that Elias prized began to warp away from plumb; its lines changed. He had taken away the 
causality that guided it and it stopped being a ratty blue couch with Kaff stains on it and became 
instead a Hepplewhite cabinet, with fine bone china plates and cups and saucers behind its doors."

"He restored a certain measure of time-and saw Elias Tate come and go about the room, enter 
and leave; he saw accretional layers laminated together in sequence along the linear time axis. The 
Hepplewhite cupboard remained for a short series of layers; it held its passive or off or rest mode, 
and then it was whisked over into its active or on or motion, mode and joined the permanent world 
of the phylogons, participating now in all those of its class that had come before. In his projected 
world brain the Hepplewhite cabinet, and its bone china pieces, became incorporated into true reality 
forever. It would now undergo no more changes, and no one would see it but he. It was, to 
everyone else, in the past."
We learn that some amount of time can be let into the timeless; if witnessed from a detached POV. In the Phylogon Engine, the Frame Speed slider is located in the middle of the floating control window and can be used to adjust the rate of time flow.

We also note the phylogon layers build up as time passes. This feature is activated in the Engine with the command: SET_TIME_ACCRETION(TRUE);

The transformation of objects, such and the couch into the Hepplewhite cabinet, is accomplished through geometric morphing. For more on morphing see the chapter by that title.

Finally, PKD states clearly that phylogons can be morphed but, once activated, the state of things, i.e. what happens in that moment, can't be changed. A locked phylogon appears to anyone in the flow as a moment already gone by.
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