11.29.2011 The programmer has accepted two realities, inside and outside of the phylogons. He is ready to meet his passenger, his nemesis, his guardian, his door to the timeless, his subconscious guide, and his counterpart on the other side. All those suspicions, nagging doubts, fleeting glimpses, back of the mind stirrings, all those things known but can never find the words for, gut feelings, all those doubts, all those fears, all those weird contortions to fit in, and all those things grasped at, all, now, all those things evaporate into clouds of contentment. He has a feeling of coming home, recognizing himself in the other, a place he's always known of, dreamed of, needed to be, all at once the curtain goes up; and he becomes whole again in the presence of the harlequin.
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