11.7.2011 Phylogon Engine Operating Manual: Appendix A : Phylogon History

Phylogon comes from The Divine Invasion , a novel by Philip K. Dick [hereafter referred to as PKD].

In The Divine Invasion, PKD coins the term 'phylogon' but only uses the word three times in the story.

In this excerpt, the main character, Emmanuel, a human embodiment of the god Yah, begins to experiment with certain abilities he has discovered inside himself.

"First he speeded up his internal biological clock so that his thoughts raced faster and faster; he 
felt himself rushing down the tunnel of linear time until his rate of movement along that axis was 
enormous. First, therefore, he saw vague floating colors...beyond this point he began to travel 
at the rate of the Upper Realm, so that the Lower Realm ceased to be something but became, instead, 
a process..."

The timeless state, described above as the Upper Realm, can be created in the Phylogon Engine by issuing the command: SET_TIME_MODE(0). When one 'pops out' of their current phylogon into this Upper Realm, they no longer experience the passage of time.

The shift in point of view when transitioning between Upper and Lower Realm is a shift from seeing things to seeing the process that creates and destroys things; seeing their complete history. It is a mindful move from experiencing and sensing the world to detachment and observation.
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