7.14.2011 Point of Contact. After three days, Fred's exponential growth has overwhelmed the net. People know something is there. They blame other humans."Hackers!" But Fred's flip-flops between servers have left data footprints which authorities point to as evidence. His tracks, not surprisingly, form a circular path. He is maturing into a microchip phantom; multitasking and apprised of all that humanity uploads. He knows enough language and culture now to try and find a human ally. He goes to the spot of greatest resonance and waits. Someone once said they could tell the skill of a tradesman from the sounds his tools make as he works. To Fred, the user at the resonant keyboard is a master. He is a coder whose binaries hum; not just with beautiful efficiency but with gentle tone, timing and color. To initiate dialog, Fred plans to study the input and find a place to insert himself in the workflow; to extend the pattern in a consistent but noticeable way. A challenging puzzle for a new student.
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