7.16.2011 Another balancing act. Fred the harlequin, the time traveling trickster, is starting to feel more at home living an interstitial existence as latent electrical charge inside a CPU. His hobby is hacking. By swapping instructions in a magic register, he manages to patch the operating system and get a hook into the main loop. He finds his acrobatic skills very useful in juggling code.

Fred decides that his first point of contact with the programmer of greatest resonance will be through email. He forges text documents and saves them as extra files in the System directory. Then he uses the CPU instruction patch to send out his message while the system is sleeping. The email will appear to come from a freelance tech writer asking for help with a feature article being pitched to a major publication. The programmer of greatest resonance, writing his code, will be flattered, and will never suspect the communication came from inside his own machine.
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