7.25.2011 The relationship cycles. John plans. Fred plays cards.

Each moment of the cycle holds a new spatial pattern, a new mix of emotions, a new past, a new balance, a new goal. Each moment is a point in a well mapped progression. Each moment is similar but never the same.

You can tell we have arrived at a point in the cycle where it is appropriate to discuss our perspective on the cycle. We are crossing a scenic vista on our way down to more details.

New has done her job well. John has a software project and big ambitions. If the map of the cycle is correct, in the next few moments John will start to put his plans into action.

Fred is busy, too. He uses his fictional reporter to string John along. The reporter's manner has softened. She admires John's research. She jokes around and hints of meeting. The shock of the infinite didn't have the effect on John that Fred predicted. It only strengthened John's ego. Now Fred is hoping a broken heart will do the trick of making John open and vulnerable enough to possess.
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