8.8.2011 The Eagle's insides are twisted. He watches and listens as his body screams insults at his partner. He is thinking to himself, "This is not me. Why am I shouting like this? Why is this anger emerging now?" He knows the size of his mistake and he will be responsible for it but the incident scares him. To regain control he figures he will either have to master his emotional landscape so that he never enters this territory and falls off this cliff again or he will have to trek deep inside himself to discover and sort out a root cause if one can be found. Neither option is pretty.

So a long moment passes as the shouts fade and the Eagle and his partner look into each other's eyes.

She acts in the moment. Her new vision works like an MRI on his emotional body. She reaches in with tweezers and gently touches his sore spot. "What image is in your mind? Quick, without thinking."

Eagle: "For some reason I see myself at an awards ceremony."

From outside the plane she locates the active loop. "And what award do you receive?" She prompts, ready to track the flow.

Eagle: "The moment my name is announced I enter a void."

Watching his feelings closely she sees where the loop is blocked: he accomplishes his goals but always feels incomplete. Each prize is just a toy to lose interest in. The ends don't connect. His trapped energy surfaces as anger or depression.

To relieve his suffering, she diverts the flow so his goals don't point back at himself but toward her. "I need a backrub"

Eagle: "Anything," he promises, already feeling less pressure, feeling that his success will be hers, feeling like she completes him. Energy circulates between them as freely as it has in a long time.
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