1.8.2012 Aligning frames. By some strange coincidence last fall, the time when I was exploring and defining phylogons just happened to be the moment that the book, "The Exegesis of Philip K Dick", was published. This book exposes over 800 pages of his notes, letters and speculations that later formed the basis of his novels. I equate this collection of subconscious outpouring to "The Red Book" of Carl Jung; which was also published not that long ago. There is now no shortage of material to sift through for anyone trying to compare patterns in subconscious emanation.

In the "Exegesis", there are more detailed notes on phylogons, certainly more than the three mentions in the "Divine Invasion". Also he sketches a context for phylogons and compares phylogons to ontogons. In the next few posts I am going to try to reconcile this new data from PKD's archive with what I've written about phylogons and see what I can learn from trying to fit these pieces together.
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