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Temperatures well below freezing Friday night triggered a huge Mulberry along the road to drop all its leaves | |
11.1.2020 |
Today's practice: Maintaining a broad perspective | |
11.2.2020 |
Limitless conscious fabric of existence | |
11.3.2020 |
Embracing uncertainty | |
11.4.2020 |
11.5.2020 |
Trying to put the pieces together | |
11.6.2020 |
A flower blooms in November | |
11.7.2020 |
Realignment | |
11.8.2020 |
Into the city to pack up the art | |
11.9.2020 |
Blind spot | |
11.10.2020 |
Refocusing | |
11.11.2020 |
Flower in repose | |
11.12.2020 |
Sublime light casts luminous shadows | |
11.13.2020 |
Our experiences circle the light that makes them known, And rest in the frame that conditions their interpretation |
11.14.2020 |
The vessel is not the boundary | |
11.15.2020 |
More not there than is there | |
11.16.2020 |
Believing that consciousness can be surrounded, measured, or understood ignores multiple orthogonal dimensions whose unfoldings create the believer | |
11.18.2020 |
Placing your attention on the object Becoming aware of the brightness |
11.19.2020 |
Making up stories about the movement of water | |
11.20.2020 |
Growth from a seed, outward in all directions | |
11.21.2020 |
11.22.2020 |
Rejuvenating branches, Deepening roots, Feeling the light all around |
11.23.2020 |
Living in a vessel, Surrounded by light |
11.24.2020 |
From a tiny cave on the side of a mountain | |
11.25.2020 |
11.26.2020 |
Leaning into a meta-aware reality | |
11.27.2020 |
The grass is always greener on the other side of a dimensional divide | |
11.28.2020 |
The moment of insight when the frame becomes part of the story | |
11.29.2020 |
Traveling through frames | |
11.30.2020 |